Download XenServer update bundles

Starting with XenServer 8.4, new features and bug fixes are pushed to the content delivery network (CDN) as available updates for your XenServer hosts and pools, streamlining the release process and enhancing efficiency.

If you have an air-gapped deployment with no connection to the internet or cannot connect to the CDN, you can download the offline update bundles below to access the latest features and bug fixes. Each new bundle includes all previous updates, so you only need to download the latest one. To learn how to apply update bundles to your host or pool, see Offline updates.

You can also use update bundles to setup a host to match the update level of a pool in order to join that host to the pool.

To view the contents of a bundle, download the bundle and upload it to your XenServer host via XenCenter, which will display the details. You can also check out our online documentation*.

* Documentation can be slightly delayed.

Latest update bundles (Normal Channel)

Looking for older update bundles? Please reach out to XenServer Technical Support.